Using Machine Learning to derive Soil
Information from Soil Reflectance
Composites (SCMaP)
Wissenschaftliche Arbeit zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades
Bachelor of Science
im Studiengang
am Institut für Geographie der Universität zu Köln
Simon Donike
Matrikelnummer 5976642
22. November 2019
Erstgutachter: Zweitgutachterin:
Prof. Dr. Georg Bareth Dr. Uta Heiden
Universität zu Köln Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V.
Table of Contents
i. Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................ iii
ii. List of Figures .............................................................................................................. iv
iii. List of Tables ............................................................................................................... v
iv. List of Equations .......................................................................................................... v
v. List of Abbreviations.................................................................................................... vi
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Significance of Soil Earth Observation ............................................................. 1
1.2 Visibility of Soil Parameters in Earth Observation ........................................... 2
1.3 Soil Composite Mapping Processor (SCMaP) .................................................. 2
1.3.1 SCMaP ..................................................................................................... 2
1.3.2 SCMaP Product –Soil Reflectance Composite ........................................ 5
1.4 Research Objectives........................................................................................... 6
2. Data and Study Area ..................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Study Area ......................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Soil Reflectance Composite ............................................................................... 8
2.3 Soil Sample Point Information ........................................................................ 11
2.3.1 Point Samples ........................................................................................ 11
2.3.2 Preprocessing ......................................................................................... 13
3. Methodology ............................................................................................................... 17
3.1 Analysis of distributions within dataset ........................................................... 17
3.2 Correlation Coefficients................................................................................... 18
3.3 Component Analysis ........................................................................................ 20
3.3.1 Principal Component Analysis (PCA) ................................................... 20
3.3.2 Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) .................................................... 21
3.4 Random Decision Forest Classifier ................................................................. 22
3.4.1 Random Decision Forest Methodology ................................................. 22
3.4.2 Random Decision Forest implementation and parameters .................... 25
3.5 Validation ........................................................................................................ 27
4. Results ......................................................................................................................... 29
4.1 Statistical Results ............................................................................................. 29
4.1.1 Representation of Soil Parameter Class Distributions ........................... 30
4.1.2 Spectral Distribution of Parameters by Classes ..................................... 31
4.1.3 Correlation Coefficients ........................................................................ 37
4.1.4 Principal Component Analysis and Linear Discriminant Analysis ....... 39
4.2 Validation and Quality Control ....................................................................... 41
4.3 RDF Classification Results – Map Products ................................................... 42
5. Discussion ................................................................................................................... 43
6. Conclusion................................................................................................................... 46
Bibliography .................................................................................................................... 48
Appendix ......................................................................................................................... 54
Eidesstaatliche Erklärung ................................................................................................ 56
i. Acknowledgement
Firstly, I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Georg Bareth. He allowed me to explore the
many possibilities within the German Aerospace Center (DLR), enabling me to find
my own scientific interest.
Most importantly, I express my gratitude to the German Aerospace Center in
Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany. I am thankful for the trust extended to me and my
capabilities, especially by Dr. Uta Heiden and Prof. Dr. Claudia Künzer for giving
me the opportunity to spend the time of this thesis at the DLR.
Being surrounded by a group of extremely knowledgeable and motivated experts who
never ignored any questions that arose deeply furthered my understanding of the
scientific framework and the methods used in this thesis. I express my gratitude to
Dr. Marianne Jilge, Dr. Stefanie Holzwarth, Dr. Nicole Pinnel, Chaonan Xi, Martin
Habermayer, Martin Bachmann and especially Simone Zepp, who was unfortunate
enough to share an office with me, having to bear the brunt of my (sometimes trivial)
Also, the Bavarian State Offices for Agriculture and Environment made this thesis
possible by kindly providing non-public soil samples from their databases.
The Institute for Geography at the University of Cologne, Germany as well as the
University of Turku, Finland enabled me to develop the knowledge and skills
necessary to conduct this project. I am very thankful for the opportunities provided
by these institutions, which allowed me to explore the field of Geography and find
my personal interests and strengths within.
Lastly, my deepest gratitude and appreciation goes to my parents, who gave both me
and my sister the proverbial “roots to grow and wings to fly”, as well as supported
me in every step of my life.
ii. List of Figures
Figure 1: SCMaP Threshold Selection............................................................................. 5
Figure 2: Workflow .......................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3: Study area in relation to Germany and the state of Bavaria ............................. 7
Figure 4: Excerpt of area of RSC ................................................................................... 10
Figure 5: Distribution of Soil Sampling Locations, color-coded by origin. .................. 13
Figure 6: Preprocessing of Soil Sample Locations. ....................................................... 15
Figure 7: Histogram of pixels in 3x3 matrix around original locations ......................... 16
Figure 8: First 3 layers of singular decision tree ............................................................ 24
Figure 9: Examplary location of „quality control” matrix ............................................. 28
Figure 10: Distribution of C
classes in soil samples .................................................. 30
Figure 11: Distribution of Soil Type classes in soil samples ......................................... 30
Figure 12: Distribution of Soil Texture classes in soil samples ..................................... 31
Figure 13: Reflectance Values for C
Classes ............................................................. 32
Figure 14: Mean Reflectances by C
Class .................................................................. 32
Figure 15: Scatterplot for C
numerical values per Band ............................................ 33
Figure 16: Reflectance Values for Soil Type Classes .................................................... 35
Figure 17: Mean Reflectancescby Soil Type Classes .................................................... 36
Figure 18: 3D PCA and LDA graphs for each soil parameter ....................................... 40
Figure 19: Side-by-side comparison of RSC and predicted C
content map ............... 42
Figure 20(A): Reflectance Values for Soil Texture Classes .......................................... 54
Figure 21(A): Mean Reflectance for Soil Texture Classes ............................................ 54
Figure 22(A): Predicted Soil Type Map, excerpt ........................................................... 55
Figure 23(A): Predicted Soil Texture Map, excerpt ...................................................... 55
iii. List of Tables
Table 1: Landsat Bands used in SCMaP ........................................................................ 10
Table 2: Soil Type Classes ............................................................................................. 14
Table 3: Soil Texture Classes ......................................................................................... 14
Table 4: Soil Organic Carbon Content Classes .............................................................. 15
Table 5: Difference Matrix of all C
classes for Band 4 (NIR) ................................... 33
Table 6: Difference Matrix of all Soil Type classes for Band 4 (NIR) .......................... 36
Table 7: C
and Reflectance Pearson correlation coefficients per Band ...................... 38
Table 8: C
and Reflectance Spearman correlation coefficients per Band .................. 38
Table 9: Internal RDF Prediction Verification ............................................................... 41
Table 10: Matrix “quality control” accuracy.................................................................. 41
Table 11(A): Difference Matrix of all Soil Texture Classes for Band 5 (SWIR1) ........ 54
iv. List of Equations
Equation 1: Modified NDVI for SCMaP ......................................................................... 4
Equation 2: Pearson correlation coefficient................................................................... 19
Equation 3: Variation ratio for axis location (LDA) ..................................................... 22
v. List of Abbreviations
ATCOR Atmospheric and Topographic Correction
BGR – Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Federal Office for
Geosciences and Raw Materials
BKKABodenkundliche Kartieranleitung, German Soil Systematic
CORINE – Coordination of Information on the Environment
– Organic Carbon
DLR – Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, German Aerospace Center
ETM+ - Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (Landsat Sensor)
LDA - Linear Discriminant Analysis
LfL – Bayrisches Landesamt für Landwirtschaft, Bavarian State Office for Agriculture
LFUBayrisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Bavarian State Office for the Environment
NDVINormalized Difference Vegetation Index
PC1/PC2/PC3 – Principal Component 1/2/3
PCAPrincipal Component Analysis
PVPhotosynthetically active vegetation index
SCMaP – Soil Composite Mapping Processor
SRCSoil Reflectance Composite
SSL Soil Sampling Location
RDF – Random Decision Forest
TMThematic Mapper (Landsat Sensor)
1. Introduction
1.1 Significance of Soil Earth Observation
The soils on earth are an existential and fundamental resource for humanity
OMINATI et al. 2010: 1858–1868), as well as for the planets ecosystem (YOUNG et
al. 2004: 113–132). The 2005 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment identified four
major services granted by soils (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: 2005):
- providing direct and indirect food, as well as water, wood, fiber and fuel,
- regulating services regarding water, climate, floods and erosion,
- cultural services in the domains of recreation, spirituality and aesthetics.
- supporting services as to the nutrition cycle, providing a habitat and
supporting biodiversity.
Thus, soils play an important regulating and limiting role for the atmosphere,
lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere (S
ZABOLCS: 1994: 33–39). Because of its
many variations, soils are “one of the most complex biomaterials on the planet”
(ADHIKARI et al. 2016: 101–111), also playing a role in climate change (OMUTO et al.
2013: 81). Since soils are important for many economic and ecological factors,
information about them needs to be embedded into political decision making and
supported by accurate and cost-effective scientific data (D
AILY et al. 1997: 113–132).
In the past, information about the soils and their dynamics have been mostly gained
through in-situ sampling, which is rather expensive and time-consuming (HANKS et
al. 1962: 530
; RUBIN et al. 1963: 247–521). Since the opening of the Landsat Archives
OODCOCK et al. 2008: 1011), large scale images over long time periods are
available and used for land monitoring (H
ANSEN et al. 2012: 66–74). A great effort
has been made using multispectral satellite and aircraft imagery to gain soil
information (MULDER et al. 2011: 1–19), in order to expand existing soil databases
EN-DOR et al. 2008: 321–392). In the age of precision farming, where soil
information is essential, satellite-based information can fill the gap between small
scale measurements (CANDIAGO et al. 2015: 4026–4047) and very coarse information
as the Harmonized World Soil Database (N
ACHTERGAELE et al. 2009: 33-37). Not
only providing this information on a large spatial scale, satellite-based information
can also provide continuous monitoring on a much higher temporal scale by providing
images and their analysis in short intervals.
1.2 Visibility of Soil Parameters in Earth Observation
The research conducted thus far mostly focuses on aircraft multi- and hyperspectral
imagery, since these data acquisition methods provide a higher spectral resolution and
fewer disturbances (OCHSNER et al. 2013: 1888–1919; STEVENS et al. 2008: 395
404). In the past, extensive studies have been conducted regarding the detection and
quantification of the organic carbon content of the soil, as well as for soil texture and
soil type detection (B
ARNES et al. 2000: 731–741; JARMER et al. 2003: 115–123). The
visibility of soil parameters in multispectral and hyperspectral imagery was
investigated by Bayer et al in 2016 for the C
content (BAYER et al. 2016: 3997
4010), Lakshmi et al in 2015 for soil texture (L
AKSHMI et al. 2015: 1452–1460) and
Nanni et al in 2012 for a soil type discrimination (N
ANNI et al. 2012: 103–112) and
found to be generally possible.
This thesis also attempts to identify distinguishing reflectance characteristics but
based on the Soil Composite Mapping Processor (SCMaP). Since these distinctions
have been successfully identified previously, this thesis tries to recreate these results
based on the SCMaP output.
1.3 Soil Composite Mapping Processor (SCMaP)
1.3.1 SCMaP
The basis for this thesis is the product derived from the Soil Composite Mapping
Processor (SCMaP) as developed by Derek Rogge et al. (2018) at the German
Aerospace Center (DLR). This processor utilizes Landsat imagery from 1984 until
2014 to create an exposed soil map on a regional scale, using the temporal dimension
of the data to overcome soil exposure inconsistencies and atmospheric influences by
looking at vegetation cycles (R
OGGE et al. 2018: 1–17).
Landsat-data from missions 4 (Sensor: TM), 5 (Sensor: TM) and 7 (Sensor: ETM+)
was used due to their free availability and most importantly their long-term
continuous data acquisition (W
OODCOCK et al. 2008: 1011). This processor is then
applied to create the aforementioned soil exposure map, which is used as the data
basis for this thesis.
SCMaP was initially developed for Germany based on 36 path/row combinations with
a scene size of 170 km north-south and 183 km east-west (paths 192-197, rows 22-
27). The TM sensor onboard of Landsat 4 and 5 collects spectral information on six
bands ranging from 0.45 to 2.35 μm with a spectral resolution of 30 m. On board of
the Landsat 7 satellite, the ETM+ sensor was placed, which has a similar setup as the
TM with the addition of a panchromatic band at 15m spatial resolution. After the scan
line corrector (SLC) failure of Landsat 7 in May 2003, 22% of any given scene is
missing. Different areas are affected by the failure for every flyover, thus image
stacking can be used to provide continuous coverage.
The data type of the downloaded images is the compressed GeoTIFF format in an
Universal Transverse Mercator Projection with the WGS 84 datum (ROGGE et al.
2018: 1–17). The dataset is made of scenes classed as “Tier 1 precision and terrain
corrected” (L1T) and hence is deemed appropriate and accurate enough for time-
series analysis by the USGS.
In order to achieve a high quality of detection of exposed soils, artifacts and visual
obstructions need to be removed. According to Zhang et al. (ZHANG et al. 2005: 357
371), the global annual mean cloud coverage in Landsat satellite image datasets is
approximately 66%. Identifying clouds, as well as their shadows, proved to be crucial,
since their darkening and brightening effects complicate many remote sensing
applications. The “Fmask” algorithm of Zhu and Woodcock (2012) is used, which
has a detection rate of 96.4% (Z
HU et al. 2005: 357–371).
Secondly, the ATCOR software introduced in 2008 by R. Richter et al. is used to
minimize the effects of atmospheric disturbances such as water vapor and aerosols.
Starting from the “digital number” value, the individual pixel metadata consisting of
coordinates, illumination angle and the date of acquisition are taken into account to
derive the bottom of atmosphere reflectances via the top of atmosphere radiances
(RICHTER et al. 2006: 2077–2085).
Due to snow- and cloud cover during the winter, images taken within the first and last
30 days of the year are eliminated. After the application of the processor for Germany
as done by the DLR, 9,331 Landsat scenes remain.
After the preprocessing, the scenes are transformed into 1° by 1° tiles and broken up
into six time frames of five years. The only exception is the first timeframe, which
contains the data of 6 years (1. 1984-89, 2. 1990-94, 3. 1995-99, 4. 2000-04, 5. 2005-
09, 6. 2010-14). Additionally, all data from 1984 until 2014 are combined into a
seventh timeframe by the DLR, which is the final SCMaP product showing the
exposed soils used in this thesis (R
OGGE et al. 2018: 1–17). This product will be
refered to as SRC.
Fundamentally, SCMaP tries to identify exposed soil pixels (without vegetation) in
the images. Other than in very rare conditions in the Bavarian Alps above the tree line
or along the shore of oceans and rivers, naturally exposed soil occurs very rarely. A
key characteristic of exposed soil is a very low vegetation index, such as the
Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), which has been used since the early
days of Earth Observation (ROUSE et al. 1974: 309–317). This vegetation index uses
the high reflectance rate of healthy green plants in the near infrared range from 0.7 to
1.1 µm to create a photosynthetically active vegetation index (PV) (KRIEGLER et al.
Rogge et al. decided to use a modified version of the NDVI for the highest/lowest PV
selection. The blue channel was introduced to the Index, in order to reduce the higher
reflectance effect of thin haze in pixels, which were not correctly revised during the
preprocessing stage.
Equation 1: PV determination, modified NDVI for SCMaP
A low value of the aforementioned vegetation index value by itself is not sufficient
to detect exposed soils, since water and other anthropogenically influenced regions
as well as non-photosynthetically active vegetation have a low PV value as well.
Since exposed soils most commonly occur on agriculturally used land (in Germany),
their distinguishing characteristic is a high seasonal variability of the PV. Due to
growing and harvesting/plowing seasons, agriculturally active areas experience at
least one, if not several distinct changes in PV every given year (R
OGGE et al. 2018:
1–17). Because of the high temporal resolution of the Landsat data, these changes can
be detected and quantified in order to create a composite image. This composite image
encompasses both the highest and lowest PV values for each pixel.
The next step is overlaying the composite with the Coordination of Information on
the Environment (CORINE) Land Cover data set (CLC). After eliminating those
pixels, which underwent a change in the CLC classification, 5000 pixels were
randomly selected and then plotted to show their maximum and minimum PV value,
as well as their CLC classification group (Figure 1) (ROGGE et al. 2018: 1–17).
Pixels classed as agricultural
land can be clearly
distinguished from other
pixels by their significant
difference between maximum
and minimum PV, a clear
cluster of the “fields”
classification is visible.
Different classifications such
as coniferous and deciduous
trees have a similar maximum
PV value, but the lower
minimum PV value increases the variability, enabling the distinction between the
Finally, thresholds are manually chosen to “box in” this cluster of soil pixels after
careful examination of the five test tiles. An automatization of the threshold selection
process is currently under development (ROGGE et al. 2018: 1–17).
1.3.2 SCMaP Product Soil Reflectance Composite
The main result of SCMaP is the SRC, which shows the mean reflectance value of
those pixels, which were identified to have undergone significant changes in PV and
are thus classed as exposed soil. Those composites are created for each timeframe and
show the average reflectance value for each band of the stack of images at any given
soil pixel. The error rate for identifying exposed soils of the SRC over the whole 30
year period is stated as 2.24% (Rogge et al. 2018: 1–17).
Figure 1: SCMaP Threshold Selection
(adapted from
ROGGE et al. 2018: 1–17)
1.4 Research Objectives
The aim of this thesis is to extract a maximum of soil related information from the
Soil Composite Mapping Processor product, using the technique of machine learning.
More specifically, the SRC of the years 1984-2014 is used.
SCMaP, as previously described, is a method for identifying bare soil pixels from
averaged reflectance data from these points; the reflectance composite thus contains
spectral information about the soils. By examining the SRC pixel colours (cf. “2.2
Reflectance Soil Composite”), areas of conformity can be clearly distinguished from
other areas, even though all pixels represent bare soil. Based on this observation, the
idea to try to extract information about soil parameters was conceived and this
hypothesis formed. Variances in reflectance could possibly be traced down to local
differences in soil parameters.
Based on in-situ soil samples and their reflectance value of the according SRC pixel,
predictions will be made for all other SRC pixels regarding their soil parameters.
Since the pixels have to be assigned to predefined classes, the machine learning
method of random decision forests was chosen in order to make these predictions.
The objectives can be more precisely articulated with the following questions:
-Do the reflectance values of SCMaP pixels correlate with the soil parameters of
carbon organic content, soil type and soil texture?
-Can a random decision forest perform an accurate classification of the entirety of the
SCMaP product?
Figure 2 shows the workflow of this thesis. After acquiring and preprocessing the
input data, a database is built, containing the spectral information of the sampling
locations as well as their soil parameters. This database is then analysed for statistical
correlations between the reflectance and the soil parameters, checking to what degree
the classes are spectrally distinguishable. Using the input database, a random decision
forest machine learning classification method is built, which predicts the soil
parameters for all pixels of the SCMaP composite. The predictions are consequently
transformed into three soil parameters maps. The previously obtained statistical
results are used to check the accuracy of the predictions.
Figure 2: Workflow
Green: inputs, yellow: processing steps, red: results
2. Data and Study Area
2.1 Study Area
Based on the 1° by 1° tiles of the SCMaP output, twelve of these tiles were chosen as
the study area (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Study area in relation to Germany and the state of Bavaria
These tiles were selected because they mostly cover Bavaria and exclude the
southernmost region of the state where the Alps are located, preventing alpine
samples with different soil genesis and sediment configurations from distorting the
dataset. It is focused on Bavaria because of the availability of geocoded soil samples
(cf. “2.3 Soil Sample Point Information”). Some areas of the tiles also cover territories
of the German federal states of Baden-rttemberg in the west, Hesse, Thuringia,
and Saxony in the north as well as parts of the Czech Republic and Austria in the east.
As a result of the central European location of the study area, the climate is classed
as “temperate oceanic” according to Köppen (Cfb). Mean annual temperatures range
from 9°C to 4°C with a precipitation of 550 mm up to 2500 mm (CHEN D. et al.
2015: 69–79).
Geomorphologically the area consists of a sedimentary filled basin formed by glacial
advances during the last ice age at the foot of the Alps in the south surrounding
Munich. In the north of Munich are the mountain ranges of the Franconian Jura in the
northwest and the Bavarian and Bohemian Forests in the northeast. The northernmost
area encompasses the South German Scarp lands in the northwest as well as parts of
the Thuringian-Franconian Highlands. These are relatively low mountain ranges with
peaks just shy of 1000m, formed by the variscan orogeny.
Mostly, soils in the study area are classed as Cambisols and Luvisols (this includes
their German classification of brown earths), covering about 45% of the area. With
15% coverage Regosols are the next most frequent, followed by water stagnation soils
like Stagnosols at 12%, according to the BKKA (AD-HOC AG Boden: 2005: 173-
175) , and their equivalent soil classes of the World Reference Base for Soil
Resources system (IUSS Working Group WRB 2006).
The CLC classification shows that 31% of the study area is cropland, 37% is covered
by forests and 18% is grassland.
2.2 Soil Reflectance Composite
As a spectral database, this thesis uses the Soil Reflectance Composite, as processed
by the DLR after the SCMaP workflow, combined for the years 1984 until 2014. The
long timespan is chosen for this thesis because of the higher number of individual
pixels classed as fields and cropland over the larger timespan. This results in a larger
repository for comparing reflectance values to the SSLs. In the 5-year time frames on
the other hand, the total amount of pixels is smaller and thus the likelihood of a soil
sample intersecting a soil pixel is decreased. Additionally, most of the SSLs have
been taken at dates distributed from the 1980s to the 2000s, choosing a 5-year period
would limit the available SSLs.
Most importantly, averaging out the reflectance values over a greater amount of time
helps reduce variability due to medium-term weather influences such as droughts,
exceptionally long summers or extended wet periods.
The spectral basis for this thesis consequently consists of about 63 million 30 m by
30 m pixels from Landsat missions 4, 5, and 7 which have been identified as exposed
soil, containing spectral bands (Table 1) averaged out over the timeframe 1984-2014.
Band 6 is a thermal band with a range from 10.40 - 12.50μ and was therefore removed.
An excerpt of the final SRC shows the pixels identified as exposed soils as an RGB
image, all other pixels are removed (white background) (Figure 4).
Table 1: Landsat Bands used in SCMaP
Band Number
Band Name
Band 1
0.45 - 0.52 μm
Band 2
0.52 - 0.60 μm
Band 3
0.63 - 0.69 μm
Band 4
0.77 - 0.90 μm
Band 5
Short-Wave Infrared 1
1.55 - 1.75 μm
Band 7
Short-Wave Infrared 2
2.09 - 2.35 μm
Figure 4: Excerpt of area of SRC for Bands 7 (represented as R), 5 (represented as G)
and 3 (represented as B). False-color image. Areas of conformity in color are visible.
2.3 Soil Sample Point Information
2.3.1 Point Samples
In order to create an input database with sample locations and their known soil
parameters, several data sources are compiled together. Two state agencies provided
their non-public data points to this thesis. Additionally, a database from the
European Statistical Office is used. The different sources, their methods of
acquiring the data and its representation is explained below.
The Bavarian State Office for the Environment (Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt
- LFU) maintains a network of sampling locations in Bavaria. Sites are selected based
on an 8 km by 8 km grid which is drawn over the state, exact sampling locations are
then picked within a 500-meter radius around the grid nodes to find a suitable
position. Special attention is given to choosing sites as homogeneously as possible
regarding altitude, relief, soil type, parent rock and vegetation (W
2014: 208–220). Only sample locations which are situated within an agricultural field
were made available by the LFU, 2086 in total.
The soil type attribute of these points is given in abbreviations according to the
German soil systematic BKKA (AD-HOC AG Boden: 2005: 173-175), for example
“RR-BB” for rendzina/brown earth, as well as their highest-tier classification of the
soil group, in the aforementioned example “B” for brown earth.
Top soil texture is given in four classes according to the BKKA (AD-HOC AG
Boden: 2005: 132-133),: sand, with a diameter of 0.063 mm to 2 mm; silt, with a
diameter of 0.002 mm to 0.063 mm; clay, with a diameter smaller than 0.002 mm and
loam, which is an even mixture of the three diameter classes.
Appended are finer distinguishing prefixes, such as “Sl” to indicate the presence of
other diameter classes, with the dominant class written in a capital letter.
The unit in which the carbon organic content is listed is mg/g.
The Bavarian State Office for Agriculture (Bayerische Landesanstalt für
Landwirtschaft - LfL) is part of a network of permanent soil sampling sites,
aggregated and maintained by the German Federal Environmental Agency. All points
located within the state of Bavaria and on land classified as agriculturally used were
provided to this study by the LfL (in total 118 sampling locations). More than 400
parameters are recorded for each location, including all of the soil parameters relevant
in this study, as well as for example land use, in-depth soil analysis, and radioactive
measurements (SCHILLI et al. 2011: 16) .The network exists since the 1980s, each
location is revisited once every 1 to 10 years, depending on the individual point
(KAUFMANN-BOLL et al. 2011: 4).
Since several measurements at different points in time are present for any given point,
they need to be modified. Samples taken outside of the timeframe were removed, the
remaining C
values were averaged and then transformed into their according
classes (cf. “2.3.2 Preprocessing”). None of the points showed a change in soil type
or soil texture, thus the classification could be easily transferred. After the
transformation, one single value was left for each soil parameter used in this thesis.
The European Statistical Office (Eurostat) conducts the “Land Use/Cover Area frame
Survey” (LUCAS) since 2001 and is available for all EU member states since 2012.
In this survey, sample points are placed over the European Union in a grid with a
width of 2 km in between nodes. Each of the 1.1 million points is sampled and classed
individually. Many different measurements are taken, including the humus content of
the top soil, but not the soil class or the soil texture (T
ÓTH et al. 2013: 3-6). The humus
content can be easily converted into the organic content of the topsoil, so that the
LUCAS information can be used to expand the C
training dataset, but not the soil
type and soil texture datasets. Unlike the other two data sources, the LUCAS dataset
is not limited to Bavaria, meaning that there are also points located within areas which
fall outside of the state into other German federal states as well as into the Czech
Republic and Austria. A total of 505 LUCAS points are available for the twelve test
2.3.2 Preprocessing
The data from the different sources need to be unified into the same format. Merging
the data from all sources is only possible if the classifications for the soil parameters
follow the same structure. As mentioned in the data descriptions the classification
methods differ from each other.
Information regarding soil type is converted to the highest tier classification as given
in the German soil systematic BKKA (AD-HOC AG Boden: 2005: 173-175). The
classes are presented in Table 2.
Figure 5: Distribution of Soil Sampling Locations, color-coded by origin.
Table 2: Soil Type Classes
German Name
Translated Name
Floodplain Soil
Brown Earth
Marshland Soil
Water Stagnation Soils
Terr.-Anthr. Boden
Soil texture classifications are also converted to their highest-tier classes by keeping
the majuscule letter of the abbreviation given in the BKKA (AD-HOC AG Boden:
2005: 173-175), see Table 3.
Table 3: Soil Texture Classes
Grain Size
0.063 mm to 2 mm
0.002 mm to 0.063 mm
< 0.002 mm
Even mixture of the three
values were given in different units by the different data sources. The LFU used
mg/g, while LfL used percentage. The conversion to percent is easily done, but the
LUCAS database gives C
values only indirectly by specifying the humus content
of the top soil. According to the BKKA, humus is made up of 58% organic carbon
(AD-HOC AG Boden: 2005: 107). Therefore, multiplying the humus content by the
factor 0.58 returns the C
content in its original unit, which was also percent. All of
the C
-information is thus converted to the same unit and format (percentage of soil
As seen in Table 4, the values are classed according to the carbon content
classification of the BKKA (AD-HOC AG Boden: 2005: 109).
Table 4: Soil Organic Carbon Content Classes
The tables from the data providers can be merged because of the data conformity after
the aforementioned restructuring and conversion. LUCAS points are given the soil
type and soil texture value of nA”, simplifying their detection and exclusion from
soil type and texture classifications further down the line.
In order to create a joined spatial database with correct location data, the point
information is reprojected into the same map projection. Since both Bavarian
agencies use the Gauß-Krüger coordinate system, they are warped into WGS1984
EPSG:4326 to fit the LUCAS data as well as the WGS1984 formatted .tiff SCMaP
mosaics which are used in this thesis. Also, unique IDs are given to each point
Figure 6: Preprocessing of Soil Sample Locations.
Sankey Diagram, width of bars is proportional to amount of SSLs.
Grey: data sources, red: eliminated SSLs, green: final dataset, yellow: composition of
final dataset.
Following the conversions and attribute-related changes, the 2,709 data points need
to be adapted to the spectral data and the study area.
As shown in the Sankey Diagram (Figure 6), 95 points are eliminated because they
are not within the twelve tiles. 792 sample points are excluded because they were not
taken within the 1984 - 2014 timeframe. Even though it is not likely that soil type,
content or soil texture will change during a few decades, it is still preferred that
the sample point was actually once depicted in the spectral data.
Afterwards, an intersect is performed to retain only those locations which are situated
on a pixel of the SRC. Another 374 points are discarded during this step.
Within the SRC pixels, severe spectral outliers are expected. At a pixel size of 30 m,
the pixel might consist of 50% cropland and 50% road or pavement. To eliminate
distortion by these outliers, a matrix of 3 by 3 pixels around the SSLs is created. SSL
pixels which display a deviation of more than twice the standard deviation compared
to the surrounding pixels in the matrix are removed (Figure 7). By doing so, another
155 pixels are excluded.
Figure 7: Histogram of pixels in 3x3 matrix around original locations, also showing
standard deviation multiples.
After all ground-sampled data is merged, they need to be combined with the spectral
data. Reflectance data from the SRC is now gathered by sampling the pixel
reflectance value of every location from the list. Values for all six bands are added to
each respective point as attributes in the list.
The final input database is hence an indexed list containing x and y coordinates, their
classifications regarding soil type, C
content and soil texture aggregated and
uniformized; as well as the six local reflectance values extracted from the SRC for
1293 entries. A column showing the C
numerical value is also included.
975 of these points have attributes regarding soil type and/or texture, due to the
LUCAS database almost all 1293 locations have an attribute regarding their C
content. It is important to note that due to in-field sampling errors, some SSLs do not
have a valid data entry. The attribute itself is not removed because it has entries for
the other parameters. The statistical methods and Random Decision Forest methods
used automatically ignore these fields (“no entry” percentage: C
0,15%, soil type
2,36%, soil texture 1,33%)
3. Methodology
3.1 Analysis of distributions within dataset
Initially, the input dataset is analysed with a focus on the soil parameters, gaining
knowledge on the distribution of the classes is essential. Regarding the three different
soil parameters, it is important to know how the classes are distributed within the
dataset. An overwhelming majority of one or several classes could drain out other
classes or limit the validity of their spectral boundaries if there are only a few points
available in the dataset for a given class. Therefore, the class distributions are
visualised as bar graphs.
Then, the aggregated training dataset with their spectral information is statistically
analysed in order to visually determine correlations between different classes and
their reflectance values. All points are plotted as individual graphs. Plotting all points
together results in a visualisation of the variance within the dataset. Combining the
points and adding graphs showing the mean reflectance as well as the standard
deviation can show the variance inside the classes, as well as expose possible outliers.
Since the C
soil parameter also carries a numerical value, a scatterplot can further
visualize the distribution of those values. Consequently, a scatterplot is created for
each band, plotting the C
value against the reflectance value of the bands. Colouring
the points according to their class shows the distribution of reflectance values of the
classes in direct comparison to the other classes of this individual band, enabling a
visual judgement as to how far the classes are varying.
Then, for each soil parameter, the mean spectra of all classes are plotted together,
allowing for a visual comparison of the graphs, as well as enabling the visual
identification of the distinguishability of the classes.
In order to back up the previous visual observations with numbers, a table showing
the differences between the classes is created. For each soil parameter, the classes are
plotted against each other showing the differences in reflectance between them for
their manually chosen most distinctive single band. The differences between the
classes are shown as percentages, enabling the cross-referencing of all classes for this
individual band. This allows for the identification of classes with a higher percentage
in spectral difference in singular band and thus have a higher chance of correct
3.2 Correlation Coefficients
Two statistical correlation methods are implemented to find possible correlations in
the dataset where numerical values are available (C
), the Pearson (Pearson R) and
Spearman correlation coefficients (Spearman R). Since the other soil parameters are
classed and without numerical values, correlation cannot be examined in those cases.
For each of the six bands, a correlation between C
value and reflectance is
examined using the “SciPy” open source scientific computing library for Python 3.7
ILLMAN et al. 2011: 9–12).
The scipy.stats.pearsonr utility calculates the correlation according to the method
derived by Karl Pearson (PEARSON 1896: 253–318). As a measure of linear strength
of association between two observations (bivariable), the coefficient ranges from -1
and 1, which represent the highest correlation values for negative and positive
correlation, to 0, which indicates no correlation (C
HEN et al. 1981: 135; CROUX et al.
2010: 497–515).
Equation 2: Pearson correlation coefficient
As this simplified formula (Equation 2) shows, the Pearson correlation coefficient
(R) is the covariance of each set of the bivariable (x and y), divided by their multiplied
standard deviations (σx, σy) (P
ARK: 2018: 213–265). Pearson R is applied to the
training data in order to evaluate a possible direct linear correlation.
Spearman R works similar to Pearson’s method, but the variable sets are ranked
beforehand. Each variable is given it’s rank along the axis as its new value, starting
at the lowest value with rank one. This replacement of absolute values with their rank
from lowest to highest removes the variability and is thus useful in detecting
monotinic trends within the dataset.
With the values changed to their corresponding ranks, the Pearson R method is
executed (W
EAVER et al.: 2018: 435–448). The resulting Spearman correlation
coefficient takes the same form as the Pearson coefficient, meaning +1 and -1 stand
for highest positive and negative correlation, while 0 indicates no correlation (CROUX
et al. 2010: 497–515). Due to its ranking system, the Spearman R is able to more
accurately detect monotonic relationships, thus relationships where while variable x
declines in value, variable y never increases and vice versa (B
ORKOWF 2002: 271
286). Removing the absolute values makes this coefficient less vulnerable regarding
outliers and as long as the x and y values develop in the direction of the same algebraic
sign (regardless of their absolute value), a correlation is detected. (R
OWE 2015: 311–
335). Spearman R is chosen to detect a possible monotonic trend relationship between
reflectance and C
content, in case there is a correlation between rising reflectance
values and rising C
content or vice versa.
3.3 Component Analysis
3.3.1 Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
While dealing with multispectral data such as the training dataset, it is challenging to
visualize the variance inherent in the spectral bands. Each band stands for one
dimension in which the data might vary. In order to reduce the dimensionality, a
Principal Component Analysris is performed (P
EARSON 1901: 559-572). PCA has
established itself as a statistical tool for multivariate analysis and is widely used in
research dealing with large datasets, including spectroscopy (JAMES: 2013: 127-173).
The aim to break down the attributes and identify the most significant data dimensions
is achieved by linearly transforming the data to uncover the principal scatter direction
of each dimension.
The best transformation is found by visualising the attributes as a scatterplot. Then,
the centre of all data points from all classes is found and the origin of the graph is
moved to this location (DE SILVA 2017: 15–17). The next step is drawing a line, which
will later become the new axis, intersecting the origin and most accurately describing
the axis of variance of the points, followed by the reprojection of the points onto that
line. The squared sum of all distances from each original point towards the new axis
is called “eigenvalue”, the vector describing the tilt of the original axis to the newly
created axis is called “eigenvector” (P
EARSON 1901: 559-572). The line with the best
eigenvalue score is chosen. The line’s eigenvector shows the influence of the original
attributes in regard to the importance of the examined feature (JEFFERS 1964: 225
236). The line itself represents the Principal Component 1 and is the first axis of the
new (tilted) coordinate system. To find the second axis, all possible lines
perpendicular to PC1 are assessed for their eigenvalues as done in the step before.
The line which fits the variance best is chosen as axis for PC2. For each additional
dimension in the original data, the line among the perpendicular plane (of the previous
PCs) with the best eigenvalue is found and added to the principal components list
OLLIFFE: 2002: 2-4). Once all PCs are determined, the graph is rotated so that PC1
is at the x axis. Since the sample points are still projected onto each PC axis, they are
now reprojected to the position the points along the PC axes intersect (HOTELLING
1933: 417441 and 498-520). Because the eigenvectors show the shift of the axis
towards the PCs and thus towards an axis of more importance, they indicate the
proportion of importance for each former attribute for the new PC (WOLD et al. 1987:
37–52). The proportions of each attribute in the new PC is called the “loading score”,
comparing the loading scores for all PCs allows a numerical ranking of importance
for all PCs (P
EARSON 1901: 559-572).
Because of the transformation into a covariance matrix, the data points have been
transformed from absolute to relative units (JEFFERS 1964: 225–236). The results are
changed graph axes, with the dataset having new coordinates within this graph.
Finally, a three-dimensional scatterplot is created from the three previously identified
most important attributes. Ideally, the different classes of the dataset should group
together as separable clusters, with their variance spread out along one of the axes
ESHAVA 2003: 55–78).
The PCA performs a covariance analysis to find the most important attributes in a
dataset in order to lower dimensionality, before transforming their axis in a way that
most accurately reflects their linear direction of variance.
In this thesis, the sklearn.decomposition.PCA utility from the Scikit-learn machine
learning library for Python 3.7 is used and the result plotted to a 3D scatterplot for
the three most important attributes (P
EDREGOSA et al. 2011: 2825–2830).
3.3.2 Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
Another statistical method for dimensional reduction used in earth sciences
AHMASEBI et al. 2010: 564–576) is the LDA, which is closely related to the PCA.
It builds upon Fisher’s linear discriminant (F
ISHER 1936: 179–188) and also searches
for linear combinations within the attributes, but contrary to PCA, takes not just the
attribute values, but the actual classes themselves into account (BÜYÜKÖZTÜRK et al.
2008: 73–92).The search for linear dependency is thus not focussed on the values, but
on the distribution of the classes themselves by projecting the classes onto a line,
therefore maximising separability among the categories (W
ANG X. et al. 2003: 2429
2439). The resulting principal components are then plotted to axes according to their
rank of importance, like in the PCA.
The axes lines are formed by considering two separate criteria simultaneously. First,
when plotting the variables, the mean within each variable dataset is found, and then
the line is drawn in a way that maximises the distance between the means of the
classes (FISHER 1936: 179–188). Since more than two dimensions are considered, the
distance is not measured between the means of the two classes, but between each of
the class means and the central point of all classes combined (B
2008: 73–92)
(BÜYÜKÖZTÜRK et al. 2008: 73–92).
The second factor consequently taken into account is the minimization of variation
(“scatter”) of the classes within the dataset along the axis (FISHER 1936: 179–188).
The optimal ratio is then calculated by the following formula (Equation 3), where d
and d
stand for the mean distances to the central point of the classes and s
, s
for the distance of scatter along the newly created axis. The distances and scatter
values are squared so that negative values do not cancel out positive ones.
Equation 3: Variation ratio for axis location (LDA)
Ideally, the numerator would be very large, representing a big distance between the
means; and the denominator very small indicating a low scatter. All possible axes are
assessed, then ultimately an axis is drawn at the line with the best ratio as returned by
the equation aforementioned. The result is a dataset with coordinates along a relative
scale, whose axes were altered from their original position in order to better
differentiate the classes (FISHER 1936: 179–188). Drawing a three-dimensional
scatterplot from this dataset is expected to result in a clustering of the classes.
In this thesis, the sklearn.discriminant_analysis.LinearDiscriminantAnalysis utility
from the Scikit-learn machine learning library for Python 3.7 is used (P
al. 2011: 2825–2830).
3.4 Random Decision Forest Classifier
3.4.1 Random Decision Forest Methodology
In supervised learning procedures, the algorithm is given a database of inputs, which
are also called predictors, and their according output label. The predictors contain
attributes, which are values that are corresponding with the output label (HASTIE et
al.: 2009: 9-41). This “input database” is the basis which the learning process uses to
create a decision model which rates the importance of predictor values based on the
known output labels. After creation of the model, classifications for predictors
without a given output label can be made using the previously created decision model.
These methods can be used for both classifications and regressions, but only
classifications will be discussed and needed in this thesis.
Singular Decision Trees
Singular Decision trees follow the recursive binary splitting approach, which is a top
down method splitting the tree into two following nodes at every node (Figure 8).
Starting from the root node, a decision between two options is made regarding a
singular attribute value, which in turn leads to further nodes. These nodes are called
internal nodes, and just like the root node, divide the tree into two mutually exclusive
regions. While from the root node, all possible nodes and node regions are accessible
via the paths taken within the model, terminal nodes represent the end and final
labelling decision of the tree (SONG et al. 2015: 130–135). The terminal nodes are
thus the lowest level of the tree, at which the algorithm is sufficiently confident to
classify the predictor with the according label. Terminal nodes exist for all possible
labels, so that given the appropriate predictor values, the predictor can be assigned
every possible label present in the dataset (HASTIE et al.: 2009: 101-137).
The definition of the most binary partition (which splits the tree into two paths at this
node) is determined by evaluating all possible splits for all possible values of all
available predictor attributes, then choosing the splits with the lowest degree of
impurity, meaning the most accurate and thus most stringent decision path between
root node and terminal node (I
SHWARAN 2007: 519–537). Node impurity refers to the
mean decrease in accuracy, thus misclassification, as measured by the Gini impurity
after validating the final labels assigned. The final model is thus a decision tree
created by the already known predictor values and their labels, which can then be
extrapolated onto different predictors and their values, where the output labels are
unknown (C
UTLER et al. 2012: 157–175).
Figure 8: First 3 layers of singular decision tree.
The Random Decision Forest used in this thesis has 500 of these trees with a depth of
up to 13 layers.
Decision trees come with the inherent disadvantages of possible “overfitting” as well
as a high sensitivity to changes in the input data (B
The term overfitting describes instances where the model is very closely dependent
on the input data, thus distinguishing between more statistical parameters than the
real-lifemodel. This means the decision making is based on statistical noise within
the data, as if this noise is representative of the classification (B
NDERSON: 2002: 1-9).
Due to this close correspondence to the data (“overfitting”), a single decision tree is
very sensitive to changes in the training data. This leads to inaccurate split parameters
at the nodes, which are based too closely on the training data, and therefore a tendency
to mislabel predictors (CUTLER et al. 2012: 157–175).
Random Decision Forest
The RDF is a supervised learning algorithm first created by Tin Kam Ho in 1996 (HO
1995: 278–282) and later extended by Leo Breiman (B
REIMAN 2001: 5–32), which is
based on singular decision trees. Since its inception, this method has found
widespread use and acceptance in many research fields including spectral surface
classification due to its easy implementation and reliable results (G
ISLASON et al.
2006: 294–300
; RICHARDS 2013: 343–380).
Random Decision Forests enables to reduce overfitting by combining multiple
decision trees and Bootstrap aggregating or “bagging”.
“Bagging”, as introduced by Breiman, extracts a smaller training set from the original
training data at random, usually 75%. For each of the trees in the random decision
forest, a different “bagged” dataset is extracted and a decision tree model built upon
this input data created. Repeating the decision tree method many times with varying
inputs from the “bagged” original training data results in slightly different trees with
a different node layout and decision values. This randomization of the input dataset
aims to reduce date dependability of the model by using many trees with consequently
different layouts (B
REIMAN 2001: 5–32).
The unused part of the training dataset can then be used to verify the accuracy of
classification of each individual tree
(BREIMAN 2001: 5–32). Subsequently, the
decisions made by each individual tree for a single predictor are aggregated and
averaged. Having multiple singular decision trees with their own structure for each
predictor as well as their classification result is then used to choose the final labelling
decision, based on the number of instances the predictor was assigned a certain label
AMES: 2013: 127-173).
“Bagging” results in lower training data bias and overfitting and consequently in a
higher accuracy model (BREIMAN 2001: 11).
3.4.2 Random Decision Forest implementation and parameters
In this thesis, the Scikit-learn implementation of a Random Decision Forest for
Python 3.7 is used. Scikit-learn is an open source Python machine learning library,
featuring many classification, regression and clustering algorithms and is publicly
available since 2011 (P
EDREGOSA et al. 2011: 2825–2830).
Before starting to build the trees, 30% of the training data is removed and stored for
the verification of the forest, using the sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split utility
(“Bagging”). Usually, only 25% are removed, but due to the high frequency of several
classifications such as “k2” in the C
dataset and “B” in the soil dataset, increasing
the verification sample size increases the likelihood of inclusion for different classes,
making the verification process more accurate. A smaller sample size would result in
a large presence of one singular class, displacing more infrequent classes and
consequently lead to an artificially inflated accuracy percentage. 30% “bagging”
proved to be a reasonable compromise between reducing tree building sample size
and maintaining a high accuracy of verification (Scikitlearn User Guide 2019: 2331).
Tree building is then handled by the sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier
utility, which features numerous possible parameters to influence model building. Out
of all possible parameters, the following were considered while building the model
for this thesis:
- n_estimators=500
- bootstrap=True
- max_depth=None
- max_features = auto.
All other parameters remain in their standard value, as described in the documentation
for the RandomForestClassifier.
The n_estimators parameter sets the number of trees built. The default amount of 100
was increased to 500, expecting an increase in model accuracy.
Limiting the number of internal tree nodes and thus the depth of the tree can be done
using the max_depth command but is set to be unlimited in this model. Not limiting
the maximum tree depth might result in overfitting but increases the distinguishability
of smaller variances in the training data, as present in this thesis. Different settings
for this parameter were considered and experimented with, ultimately it was set to
unlimited because of its higher prediction accuracy.
As mentioned in the previous paragraph, ”bootstrappingis a valuable tool in
increasing accuracy, thus it is enabled by setting bootstrap=True.
Using an integer as the parameter max_features results in no feature subset selection
within the trees, which according to the documentation of scikitlearn is best used in
regression tasks. Setting the parameter to auto is advised in classification tasks such
as this implementation, meaning the size of the randomized subset of features to be
considered for splitting an internal node is set to the square root of the remaining
training dataset (Scikitlearn User Guide 2019: 2331).
The aforementioned parameters were set to many different combinations, with the
current setup achieving the highest level of prediction accuracy.
Further restraining tree size using commands such as min_samples_split and
min_samples_leaf was considered but decided against due to the risk of lower
distinguishability regarding features with only small variances, but as a trade-off
slightly increases the risk of overfitting.
Other more in-depth settings like rating node splits by entropy instead of the Gini
Index using the criterion parameter or influencing the node split creation method
using the splitter parameter were not changed and left in their default states
(Scikitlearn User Guide 2019: 2331).
3.5 Validation
Verifying the results obtained by the Random Decision Forest is a necessary step in
ensuring the quality of the output. Machine learning methods are quite capable of
producing results and even high prediction accuracy scores within its dataset, but the
results might not correlate with the reality. It is not necessarily the case that the
classifier bases its decision on those dataset variations, which are also responsible for
the real-lifeclassifications. This “overfittingis a common example of a situation
where the classifier evaluates itself with high accuracy scores, but the classification
process has lost its link to natural circumstances (B
The most important metric in judging the method used in this thesis is the internal
RDF evaluation. As described before, 30% of the training data is set aside before the
classification, the classifier is then tested on the verification data and an accuracy
percentage produced. Since every individual tree uses a different 30% of the training
data and the outputted accuracy is a mean of all accuracies from each individual tree,
it is still an important indicator as to how accurate the process is.
The German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Resources (BGR) produces maps
regarding all of the soil parameters (“HUMUS1000, “BUEK1000”,
“BOART1000”). Unfortunately, these maps are heavily interpolated. Before
considering these maps as basis for validation, it is checked if all the SSLs used in
this thesis are identically classified in the according soil maps. Unfortunately, for all
classes, only 55% of data points received the same classification by both the BGR
and the data providers. Evaluating the prediction using these maps returns very low
accuracy percentages (C
19.46%, type 48.34% and texture 20.49%). With such
high discrepancy in classification for validation- and training, the maps will not be
used as a method of validation.
Also, the Topsoil Organic Carbon Content for Europe Map by the European Soil Data
Centre was considered, but not used due to its low resolution of 1,000 m by 1,000 m
per pixel and therefore high interpolation. Additionally, this map is built upon the
LUCAS dataset, meaning the validation would use its own data to validate itself. The
sample location density is also increased over the LUCAS database by adding the
LfU and LfL datapoints to the training dataset. The LUCAS map is thus coarser in
density than the training dataset. The idea of using map products as a method of
verification is discarded due to the previously mentioned factors.
Figure 9: Examplary location of „quality control” matrix.
SCMaP pixels are in the background, their information values saved in the green point
features. Original Soil Sample Location in yellow, surrounded by the 100x100m matrix
in blue with the pixels “caught” in this matrix in red.
Basing on the SSLs, a different method for quality control is derived.
Assuming that neighbouring pixels to the SSLs only differ marginally from the SSL’s
soil parameter classifications, a 100 m by 100 m rectangle around each soil sample
location is spanned. Assigning the validation parameterof the SSL to all other SRC
pixels caught in the matrix leads to 15,385 pixels which can be used for quality control
purposes (Figure 9). The central pixel of each matrix, which has been used to build
the model, is excluded from verification. Since this method is based on the unsure
assumption of unchanged attributes around the sample location it cannot be seen as a
“true” verification method, more as a quality control measure. Also, because the data
upon which the RDF is built is used to validate itself, the resulting accuracy score is
of limited validity.
A scientifically valid method to verify the prediction accuracy cannot be
implemented. The aforementioned methods possess limited explanatory power by
themselves but taken together do give an overall impression of the validity. These
methods are to be considered as “quality control”, not as true validation methods.
4. Results
4.1 Statistical Results
Before presenting the predictions made by the RDF as well as their measurements of
validity, the statistical results are shown.
Firstly, the input database is analysed regarding its internal composition and the
distribution of the different soil parameter classes. This gives an insight into how well
the different classes are represented in the input dataset. Secondly, the distribution of
reflectance values within those classes is visualized, showing how or if the different
classes have spectral characteristics in common. After that, the correlation coefficients
and the results of the PCA and LDA are presented.
4.1.1 Representation of Soil Parameter Class Distributions
Figure 10: Distribution of C
classes in soil samples
Examining the C
class distribution (Figure 10), a very clear dominance of the k2
class is visible since 65.35% of all points fall into that category. The second largest
class, k3, makes up 26.99% of the dataset. The other four classes share the remaining
7.66%. The total number of available points for this class is 1291.
Figure 11: Distribution of Soil Type classes in soil samples
Examining the categorization of soil types (Figure 11), the total number of available
points is 952. The dominance of a single class is not as prevalent as in the Soil C
category. The largest class is brown earths (B) with 37.08%, followed by rendzinas
(R) with 26.37%. All other classes are represented by a percentage of under 10% of
all samples, with classes M, T and P consisting of only a few points.
Figure 12: Distribution of Soil Texture classes in soil samples
Analysing the soil texture classes (Figure 12), 52.31% are classed as L (Loam),
22.22% as S (Sand), 18.49% as U (Silt) and 9.03% as T (Clay). A dominance of class
L is visible, the total number of available SSLs is 962.
4.1.2 Spectral Distribution of Parameters by Classes
Carbon Organic Content
After examining the class distribution within the training dataset, the spectral
information for each class within the soil parameters is analysed. Firstly, the soil C
class is visualized.
Figure 13: Reflectance Values for C
Figure 14: Mean Reflectances by C
Figure 15: Scatterplot for C
numerical values per Band
Table 5: Difference Matrix of all C
classes for Band 4 (NIR)
The reflectance plot (Figure 13) shows, for each C
class, the reflectance value for
each point. Also included are the average and standard deviations up- and
downwards. The spectral lines for each class do not have significant features
exhibited in their spectral lines which allow an easy distinction between the classes.
Of importance is the high reflectance variability and scatter between the classes, as
well as the high standard deviations. All lines from the input points seem to blend
together without showing any considerable difference. Even though some small
differences, like the lower maximum of bands 4 and 5 are visible, the high variability
makes an easy distinction impossible.
Creating a plot of all mean spectra shows more interpretable results (Figure 14). The
spectral lines are “layered”, it is visible that with the exemption of class K, the lines
barely intersect and are ordered from higher value class at the bottom and lower value
class at the top.
Since this soil parameter also has numerical values, a scatterplot of the reflectance
against the organic carbon content can be created (Figure 15). The resulting plot does
not show differences between the classes, but instead that soil samples are spread out
along the y-axis. Ideally, similar values and thus same-class pixels would cluster
together at different y-values than other classes. In general, this graph shows the high
intraclass variability and low interclass distinguishability.
By calculating the mean spectral difference of each class to all other classes, the visual
observations can be supported (Table 5). A larger percentage shows a bigger
difference in the mean spectrum and thus a higher distinguishability. The highest
difference is between classes k2 and k4 with 4.53%, the next highest difference
between k2 and k3 is 3.06%. The difference in reflectance average of the two most
dominant classes k2 and k3 in the NIR band implies a distinguishability.
Soil Type
Plotting the reflectance values for the soil types classes shows no significant
characteristics, but a high variance and thus also a high standard deviation (Figure
Examining the mean spectra of the classes (Figure 17) leads to a similar conclusion.
Some classes, such as G and L differ quite a lot from each other in their mean spectra
while almost all other classes blend reasonably closely together, especially keeping
in mind that these lines represent the averages and that the standard deviations are
fairly high. Even though some lines intersect each other, it seems like in general a
class mean spectrum is either higher or lower than the other classes. Without such a
high variance within the dataset as observed in (Figure 16), the mean class spectra
graph might lead to the conclusion that a correct classification is possible.
Figure 16: Reflectance Values for Soil Type Classes
Table 6: Difference Matrix of all Soil Type classes for Band 4 (NIR)
Figure 17: Mean Reflectancesc by Soil Type Classes
This is supported partially by calculating the mean differences between all classes at
the NIR band represented in (Table 6). Between some classes, like the combination
of classes L and G, the mean percentual difference is reasonably high, with 7.38
percent. Other combinations are within the 3 to 4% range, with S <-> G on the higher
end reaching 6.19%. Classes M and L show high percentages but since their sample
size is very small, the validity is extremely limited.
Soil Texture
Lastly, the spectral distribution of the parameter soil texture is investigated.
The plotted reflectance values show similar characteristics the other soil parameters:
low interclass variance but high intraclass variance (Figure 20(Appendix)). The
illustrations for this soil parameter can be found in the appendix.
Reviewing the mean spectra on the other hand (Figure 21(Appendix)) reveals a slight
correlation, similar to the correlation within the C
parameter. The soil texture
classes follow a gradient where clay (T) represents the smallest grain size, silt (U) the
medium and sand (S) the coarsest material. Not taking into account the mixture of the
three (L), the coarsest material has the highest reflectance while the finest one has the
lowest, with the “middleclass right in between the other two lines. This indicates a
correlative relationship between finer material and higher absorption, which cannot
be backed by correlation coefficients since no numerical data is available for this
Investigating the mean difference table (Figure 11(Appendix)) shows lower values
than the other classes, with a maximum of 1.864% for classes T and S. This can be
explained by a higher variance in in the classes. Investigating all the spectral
distribution results for the soil texture parameter, the distinguishability seems to be
the lower than the other soil parameters.
4.1.3 Correlation Coefficients
Regarding the C
content of the points, the Pearson correlation coefficients,
calculated by the previously described method, for each SRC band are shown in
Table 7.
Table 7: C
and Reflectance Pearson correlation coefficients per Band
Band 1 (B)
Band 2 (G)
Band 3 (R)
Band 4 (NIR)
Band 5 (SWIR1)
Band 7 (SWIR2)
Clearly, all coefficients of all bands are very close to zero, indicating no linear
correlation between the pixels reflectance value and the C
content measured at
these locations. The results show that from a linear perspective, the classes are not
able to be distinguished by their reflectance value by looking at singular bands only.
The statistical observations support the spectral analysis as done before.
What this method does not take into account are possible patterns across bands, thus
a correct classification is harder but not impossible.
Calculating the correlation coefficients with Spearman’s method gives the results
represented in Table 8.
Table 8: C
and Reflectance Spearman correlation coefficients per Band
Spearman R
Band 1 (B)
Band 2 (G)
Band 3 (R)
Band 4 (NIR)
Band 5 (SWIR1)
Band 7 (SWIR2)
Spearman’s correlation coefficient, which also takes the classes into account, reach a
higher score of correlation. Bands 1, 5 and 7 are between -0.40 and -0.50 and thus at
the upper end of the “low negative correlation” interpretation. Bands 2, 3 and 4 are
even greater than -0.50 and therefore classified to have a “moderate negative
correlation” (H
INKLE et al.: 2002: 17-26).
From these numbers, it can be concluded that there is a small trend for higher C
value pixels to have lower reflectance values, especially in bands 3, 4 and 5. This
supports and gives mathematical background to the observation of the plot (Figure
14), where the mean spectral lines of higher C
classes seem to be partially “stacked
in negative order.
This relationship is expected to be recognized by the Random Decision Tree
4.1.4 Principal Component Analysis and Linear Discriminant Analysis
Executing the Principal Component Analysis and creating three-dimensional graph
out of the principal components for each soil parameter shows no clear clusters
(Figure 18 - PCA). Ideally, the different colours, which represent the classes, should
group together and form distinguishable clusters.
The C
graph is quite a bit more spatially stretched than the others, but when
changing the viewing angle, it becomes clear that there is also no clear cluster to be
observed. A few outliers are still present. The dominance of one colour is only due to
the drawing order of the points since the classes are plotted one by one, changing the
viewing angle consequently also changes the drawing order.
The LDA seems to show a slightly better result, at least the C
soil parameter
(Figure 18 - LDA). Even though all points are within the same cluster, one
hemisphere of the cluster “sphere” is dominated by the k2 class, but the other
hemisphere is still quite mixed. Expectantly the distinguishability for this soil
parameter might be slightly higher.
The other soil parameters on the other hand are indistinguishably scattered within a
singular cluster, suggesting a low chance of successful classification.
Both PCA and LDA were also conducted with the following Python scaling methods:
Datasets which span over a wide range of values can be transformed by e.g. scale
magnification and/or reduction in order to reduce their order of magnitude. Since
the scaling methods did not show an improvement over the non-scaled data, the
original data is depicted, and the scaled datasets are discarded (Figure 18).
Figure 18: 3D PCA and LDA graphs for each soil parameter.
Values are dimensionless. PC1 on x axis, PC2 on y axis, PC3 on z axis.
4.2 Validation and Quality Control
A scientifically accurate validation method cannot be implemented. The following
accuracy metrics have only limited scientific significance.
Using the internal RDF quality control as described (cf. “3.5 Validation”), the
classification accuracy can be approximated (Table 9)
Table 9: Internal RDF Prediction Verification
Internal RDF Prediction Accuracy
As previously discovered in the statistical results, the C
content shows the highest
accuracy, while the other soil parameters have lower scores.
The classification results for soil type and texture are only slightly better (by about
8% for soil type, 2% for soil texture) than results achieved by guessing and can be
thus interpreted as failed.
The C
classifier on the other hand does show some correlation. The internal
verification by itself cannot be taken as absolute truth because overfitting might have
occurred. Also, since a considerable majority of points belong to the k2 class,
assigning each and every point the k2 classification might already result in a high
accuracy percentage.
After drawing a buffer around the sample locations and assigning each pixel within
this buffer the same truth value as the sample location itself, a total of 15,385 pixels
can be used to assess the quality of prediction. The accuracy percentages achieved
are shown in Table 10.
Table 10: Matrix “quality control” accuracy
Soil Parameter
Matrix “quality control” accuracy
Soil C
Soil Type
Soil Texture
Soil parameter maps, which are published by German authorities, where not used for
validation because of the aforementioned reasons (cf. “3.5 Validation”).
4.3 RDF Classification Results Map Products
A map which shows the predicted classes for the whole study area is produced by fitting
the Random Decision Forest Classifier model with the reflectance value of all ≈63
million SRC pixels, for each soil parameter. Three maps in a tiff format with the pixel
size of 30 m x 30 m are created, one map for each soil parameter.
Especially the C
map shows regional clustering of classes, which supports a correct
classification since the organic carbon content of the soil varies, but only on a scale
of several hundred meters to a few kilometres. Comparing the classification result
(Figure 19) with the SRC, it becomes clear that the pixel colour correlates with the
assigned C
Additionally, darker areas in the SRC correlate with higher-class C
content areas
in the predicted map. This reaffirms the observations made previously that a higher
content correlates with a lower reflection value, thus darker SRC pixels.
Figure 19: Side-by-side comparison of SRC and predicted C
content map. SRC
(SCMaP product): false color image with band 7 as R, 5 as G and 3 as B.
The soil type map shows an overwhelming presence of brown earth, scattered with
different classes in between, comparable to white noise. This suggests that the
regionally different soils were mostly incorrectly classified, but some very general
spatial differences in the prevalence of some classes can be observed (c.f. Figure
22(A): Predicted Soil Type Map, excerpt).
The soil texture map presents a more or less random scattering of the classes along
the SRC pixels, indicating that the classification has failed. (c.f. Figure 23(A):
Predicted Soil Texture Map, excerpt)
5. Discussion
The following section discusses the validity of the results obtained with the methods
used, as well as possible improvements.
Starting with the training dataset, the nominal number of SSLs is sufficient for RDF
model building. Unfortunately, due to the dominance of single classes in all three soil
parameters, other classes are severely underrepresented. This causes accuracy
problems due to an absence of enough training data for certain classes, possibly
resulting in mislabelling. It would be possible to increase the number of available
points for all classes significantly by including the 792 points, which were taken
outside of the timeframe, making the assumption that the locational parameters did
not change. Also, scaling the input dataset in a way that results in similarly sized
classes might result in better class separation.
During the next step, the statistical analysis, several methods to attempt to identify
correlations between soil parameters and reflectance are used. Firstly, visualising the
classes and their reflectance gives a first impression of the difficulty in distinguishing
the classes. The first conclusions are already visible, and then consequently supported
by the statistical methods.
The Pearson R values for the C
parameter are very close to zero, indicating no linear
correlation between the SRC pixel and the C
value of the SSL. Following the
correlation coefficient interpretation guide by Hinkle, all bands show “negligible
correlation” (HINKLE et al.: 2002: 17-26).. The Spearman R results, which also take
the classes into account, reach higher values. Bands 1, 5 and 7 are interpreted as “low
negative correlation”, while bands 2,3 and 4 are observed to have “moderate negative
correlation” (H
INKLE et al.: 2002: 17-26). These results support the observation that
the higher the C
concentration, the lower the reflectance value. The moderate
correlation suggests that a correct classification by the RDF is not impossible.
For the numerical values inherent in the C
parameter, the correlation coefficients
support a small but noticeable negative linear relationship already visible in the mean
spectra, while the PCA and LDA methods were not able to differentiate the classes in
any meaningful way. Given the current dataset, the best attempt to separate the classes
is made and a good understanding of the dataset is achieved, but a concise statistical
separation remains unsuccessful. Further attempts using more sophisticated methods
of multivariate statistical analysis could possibly identify stronger correlations, such
as the Partial Least Square method (N
OCITA et al. 2014: 337–347). Possible
improvements in expressing the differences in spectral means of the data could also
be achieved by using methods such as the Spectral Angle Mapper (PARK et al. 2007:
323–333) or the Spectral Correlation Angle (D
ENNISON et al. 2004: 359–367)
The C
classes, as well as the other soil parameter classes used in this thesis are
designed for the needs of soil experts. Keeping spectral distinguishability in mind, it
is possible to redefine the classes, for example join soil types with similar topsoils
together or classing C
content on a nominal scale.
classes for example vary greatly in their range; analysing the change in
reflectance of different C
contents and adjusting the class sizes accordingly (for
example into 2% steps) might produce an improved result by providing more uniform
class ranges. Another possibility would be to perform a Random Decision Forest
Regression instead of a classifier, using the values themselves instead of classes.
The topsoil layers of the soil type classes used in this thesis were not analysed for
their spectral reflection, it is thus likely that trying to separate classes with similar
reflectance features lowers the accuracy of prediction. Combining these similar
classes might produce higher accuracy predictions, but simultaneously lower the
informative value of the final map product. Nani et al, for example, achieved an
accuracy increase of 30% by grouping classes together (N
ANNI et al. 2012: 103–112).
It is also problematic that the input database only takes reflectance values into account
as distinguishing factors. Other components, such as the bedrock and genesis of the
soil, wetness, altitude and the intensity of potential agricultural use are ignored as
factors in this classification. Using a wetness index based on a digital elevation model
to exclude permanently moist soils has the potential to lower variability within the
classes, leading to a more accurate prediction. Quantifying or classifying these local
circumstances and consequently creating SSL groups of situational conformity will
most likely greatly improve accuracy but is very time consuming and demands an
extensive knowledge in soil studies and thus exceeds the limit of this thesis.
After the statistical analysis of the classes, a RDF is built in this thesis. Using the
aforementioned improvement attempts such as removing spectral outliers and
tweaking the RDF settings, the internal RDF accuracy was improved by 11% (C
4% (soil type) and 1% (soil texture) from its original state to its final state. Still, the
risk of overfitting is accepted by not limiting the decision tree size in order to improve
distinguishability. This might not be the perfect settings for the RDF model, but
through experimentation these settings proved to be optimal for the given training
The validation of the results poses a great challenge. Similar studies, especially the
one conducted by (L
AKSHMI et al. 2015: 1452–1460) and (NANNI et al. 2012: 103
112), validated their results by entirely mapping and sampling their study area and
comparing the results obtained to the local sampling data. This requires extensive and
expensive field work and is also limited to a much smaller study area. Due to the
nature of this thesis and the size of the study area, this method is not viable.
The soil parameter maps are not used due to their limitations; the method of using a
matrix around the SSLs bases on the uncertain assumption that the soil parameters do
not change within the SSLs proximity. The internal RDF validation, usually quite an
important metric, only has limited validity since the majority validation dataset
consist of mostly one class. Also, this method cannot detect the effects of
“overfitting”. Visually examining the resulting prediction maps does give the
impression that the classification has worked to a reasonable degree (at least for the
soil parameter), but this method does not produce a quantifiable accuracy score.
Consequently, several accuracy metrics, individually only of limited significance,
taken together can give a vague impression of overall accuracy. The internal RDF
validation, the method of creating a matrix quality controlmethod and manually
examining the resulting maps and looking for areas of conformity taken together can
give only an accuracy estimation.
Even though promising results for the C
content prediction are visible, these
observations cannot be sufficiently backed by statistical information because an
accurate and scientific validation method is unavailable.
6. Conclusion
This thesis analysed the spectral properties of a Landsat soil composite by using the
Spearman and Pearson correlation coefficients as well as a PCA and LDA. This was
done in order to investigate if the reflectance values correlate with the soil parameters
of organic carbon content, soil type and soil texture. Based on these spectral
properties, a prediction on all ca. 63 million SRC pixels was executed using an RDF.
Regarding the possible correlation between SRC reflectance values and soil
parameters, a considerable correlation for the C
parameter can be observed and
consequently statistically proven, showing that the organic carbon content does
correlate with the SRC’s spectral information. Examining the other two soil
parameters, no correlation could be established using the aforementioned methods.
As to the prediction validation, results of uncertain accuracy were achieved. A
concise verification method, showing clear statistical results of the prediction
accuracy could not be implemented. Nevertheless, a considerable prediction accuracy
for the C
soil parameter can be visually observed in the resulting maps and is
backed by the internal RDF validation as well as the implemented “quality control”
measures. The other two soil parameter predictions (soil type and soil texture) can be
considered failed.
The RDF was able to show its potential and produce an output map of reasonable
quality for the C
soil parameter, but not for the other parameters. The ability of the
RDF to build a model upon the very small correlation within the dataset shows its
efficiency in satellite-based soil classification applications. Given an improved
quality of the training data, the RDF is a viable method of classifying SRC pixels.
Ultimately it can be stated that a large amount of information was extracted from the
input dataset in its current state, but improvements are most definitely possible.
Statistical applications have been extensively used to gain information about the
dataset and connect the spectral information to the soil properties, a continuous effort
to improve the dataset and its statistical analysis are promising.
The resulting maps possess a limited validity since they are built upon an imperfect
dataset and the aforementioned assumptions, with the C
soil parameter prediction
promising the highest accuracy and validity. Expanding the statistical research as well
as using soil expertise to investigate the details of soil reflectance under different
circumstances, leading to an improved quality of the input data as well as the
prediction, will most likely result in enhanced classification and prediction
A growing population and its need for nutrition, the ongoing climate change as well
as the changing ecosystems pose great challenges to scientists and politicians around
the world. Observing and analysing the soils of this planet, which play an important
role in these challenges, provides decision-makers with valuable information.
Continuing the effort of extracting soil information from multispectral images and
composites promises to improve the availability of large-scale soil information.
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Figure 20(A): Reflectance Values for Soil Texture Classes
Figure 21(A): Mean Reflectance for Soil Texture Classes
Table 11(A): Difference Matrix of all Soil Texture Classes for Band 5 (SWIR1)
Figure 22(A): Predicted Soil Type Map, excerpt
Figure 23(A): Predicted Soil Texture Map, excerpt
Eidesstaatliche Erklärung
50923 Köln
Eidesstattliche Erklärung
Hiermit erkläre ich,
Simon Donike,
geboren am 05.04.1995,
Matrikelnummer 5976642
an Eides statt, dass die vorliegende, an diese Erklärung angefügte Arbeit selbständig
und ohne jede unerlaubte Hilfe angefertigt wurde, dass sie noch keiner anderen Stelle
zur Prüfung vorgelegen hat und dass sie weder ganz noch im Auszug veröffentlicht
worden ist. Die Stellen der Arbeit einschließlich Tabellen, Karten, Abbildungen etc.
die anderen Werken und Quellen (auch Internetquellen) dem Wortlaut oder dem
Sinn nach entnommen sind, habe ich in jedem einzelnen Fall als Entlehnung mit
exakter Quellenangabe kenntlich gemacht.
München, den 22.11.2019
Simon Donike