Circle Area and Fibonacci Calculation in Java

Task 1:

Calculating the area of a circle with a given radius.

package assignment1_donike;

public class CirlceArea {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// Defining double with Radius of circle 
		double rad = 4.00;
		// Defining double that holds area, assigning Pi*(radius**2) using Math Method
		double area = Math.PI * (rad * rad);
		//Print area within sentence and one line
		System.out.println("The radius of a circle with the radius "+rad+" is: "+area);


Task 2

Calculating the area of a circle with a user give radius, catching errors caused by wrong input.

Image 1: Flowchart of Java Program for Task 2
package assignment1_donike;
import; //using BR as instructed
import; // No idea why i need to include that in line 18, but apparently I do
import; // 

public class CircleAreaUserInput {
	// creating new method that calculates area of circle from radius
	static double area_calc(double rad) {
		// Defining double that holds area, assigning Pi*(radius**2) using Math Method
		double area = Math.PI * (rad * rad);
		//Print area within sentence and one line
		return area;
	} // method
	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
	    // Creating boolean as condition for while loop
		boolean valid_input = false;
		// Creating user input var bc. it will be filled later within try/catch block and needs to be in the global scope
		double user_radius = 0;
		// Start loop, continue while valid input boolean == false
		while(valid_input == false) {
			// Creating Buffer
			BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
			// print prompt to user in console
			System.out.print("Enter the Radius: ");
			// read input line from console
			String user_input = reader.readLine();

		// Try conversion to double, if successful set user_radius as converted double & valid_input=true and thus exit loop
		try {
			user_radius = Double.valueOf(user_input);
			System.out.println("Your input after Conversion is: " + user_radius);
			valid_input = true;}
		// If conversion to double fails, give error message in console and keep in loop because valid_input is still false
		catch(Exception e) {
			System.out.println("Your input is not valid, please enter an integer, double or float\n\n");} 
		}// close while loop
		// Pass user radius to method
		System.out.println("The area of a circle with the radius " + user_radius + " is " + area_calc(user_radius));
} // close public static void main
} // close class


Task 3

Calculating the first 20 Fibonacci sequence numbers.

Image 2: Diagram of Fibonacci sequence calculation, in particular the shifting of variables.
package assignment1_donike;

public class Fibonacci {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		// starting points for additions are 0 and 1
		int a = 0;
		int b = 1;
		// current will hold the value of the current addition of the two previous values and thus the Fibonacci number
		int current = 0;
		// counter will count iterations
		int counter = 1;
		while (counter<=20) {
			// Addition of two previous numbers to get current Fib. value
			current = a+b;
			// Print counter of Fib. numbers and value at this position
			System.out.println("Fibonacci Nr.\t"+counter+"\tis\t"+current+"\n");
			// Change values to new positions: 	starting point (a) becomes what previously was 2nd summand
			a = b;
			// current Fib. value will become the 2nd summand in next iteration
			b = current;
			// increment counter + 1 to keep track of iterations
			counter = counter+1;

		} // close while loop

	} //close public static void

} // close class
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